Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Timex Ironman

Luis wants me to use a heart rate monitor and run within zones. A couple of years ago I purchased a Timex Iron man GPS & heart rate watch. I used it once but then kept forgetting to charge it. I found the watch and HR strap but no charger. I ran Thursday but just had to go a mile then walk to check the rate, then back to running. Not the same thing he wanted but it appears difficult to reorder just a charger. I don't want to spend another $180 when I could spend $10. Going to keep looking. I'm supposed to run 30 minutes today as well.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Rock Bottom

I just got back from the gym, running two miles. That was rough, and hopefully it was rock bottom (thanks, Kiss). Granted, I didn't run all out. I planned to try to follow somewhat of a plan I saw online to get back into running. My intention was to run 3 minutes, walk 1.5 minutes, repeat. It ended up taking 24:45. That's better than sitting on the couch, and it's even better than when I started running. If you look on my Athlinks page you will see my first 5K (at least recorded on Athlinks) was January 7, 2006 and 40:36. My next was one year later and 42:58. Despite running nearly every Saturday and Sunday I didn't get below 37:00 until September 2007. So, that's good. I think I could complete a 5K in maybe 34 minutes now, but that is a long way off from February - March 2012 when I ran two at 28:50 and 28:53 respectively. At one time I was running 14 minute miles and my fastest mile was about 8:25-8:30. Pretty good for 6'1 and at my best running weight about 235. Now I am back to 12:30 per mile...but not really that far off from 10:42 I don't think. There was a time a few months ago when I would occasionally run 2 miles at 21:40 or so. With some repeated runs I think I could get back there quickly. Now getting back to below 9 minute miles will take a loss of about 35 pounds and some training from my new coach. Struggling to do 2 miles sure makes 13.1 seem like a long way's hoping I get back at it tomorrow.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Step one

Making the list of runs for 2015 and trying to knock more states off the list. I've completed 20 half marathons over 6 states. The past three years have been declining in performance. Time to get back in shape and re-find motivating. I think it's time for Coach Cova.


I was thinking about starting a blog to document my attempt to get back to running. Downloading the app it pulled up my old blog which I have not use in four years. I have three, apparently. I knew about CDFL Insider, which was the blog for my fantasy football newsletter...but no one ever read it so it feel by the wayside. As did the blog about my doctoral journey...which even I forgot about. And this one which again I forgot about. So instead of starting something new, I can repurpose this one. Maybe I will use it...maybe I won''ll have to tune in and see. If I have any followers that is...I don't believe I do. That would be nice. And if I could get sponsors to help me travel and run in my quest to complete the 50 State Half Marathon challenge that would be nice too 😜